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- 16 min
- Kinolab
- 2016
In a world in which social media is constantly visible, and in which the averaged five star rating for each person based on every single one of their interactions with others are displayed, Lacie tries to move into the higher echelons of society. She does this by consistently keeping up saccharine appearances in real life and on her social media feed because everyone is constantly connected to this technology. En route to an important wedding, she loses several points in her rating, yet still finds solace with a truck driver who offers her a ride. After releasing her true emotions at the wedding (from which she was ultimately disinvited for her low score), she is jailed and continues the release of her pent-up emotions. For further reading and real-life connections, see the narrative “Inside China’s Vast New Experiment in Social Ranking.”
- Kinolab
- 2016
Lacie Part II: Everyday Influencers and “Keep Instagram Casual”
In a world in which social media is constantly visible, and in which the averaged five star rating for each person based on every single one of their interactions with others are displayed, Lacie tries to move into the higher echelons of society. She does this by consistently keeping up saccharine appearances in real life and on her social media feed because everyone is constantly connected to this technology. En route to an important wedding, she loses several points in her rating, yet still finds solace with a truck driver who offers her a ride. After releasing her true emotions at the wedding (from which she was ultimately disinvited for her low score), she is jailed and continues the release of her pent-up emotions. For further reading and real-life connections, see the narrative “Inside China’s Vast New Experiment in Social Ranking.”
Are shallow interactions and the improbability of someone saying what they truly mean on a platform inherent to the design of digital social networks? How does social media put pressure on people to change events or relationships in their real life to keep up positive appearances? Consider movements such as “Keep Instagram Casual,” which implores users to post whatever they like, whenever they like, rather than being beholden to strict societal rules on what is acceptable to post. Can this occur with a user-centric push, or does something about the design of the platforms need to change? Does “digital niceness” actually benefit anyone? How do figures such as influencers take advantage of digital platforms to set social norms online and offline?
- 2 min
- Kinolab
- 2014
Nathan, the creator of the advanced humanoid robot Ava, explains to his employee Caleb that big data collected through smartphone cameras and microphones aided his attempts to make Ava’s features more human.
- Kinolab
- 2014
Big Data and its Reflection of Humanity
Nathan, the creator of the advanced humanoid robot Ava, explains to his employee Caleb that big data collected through smartphone cameras and microphones aided his attempts to make Ava’s features more human.
How can our digital consumer and search data be mined by tech companies for research? Does such a wide data net capture everything necessary about humanity? How does Google search mirror the human seeking of knowledge in digital form?
- 2 min
- Kinolab
- 1990
With his homing signal activated, the android Data takes control of the USS Enterprise and its systems and blocks the human crew from stopping him. For further reading, see the narrative Triton is the world’s most murderous malware, and it’s spreading.
- Kinolab
- 1990
Data Takes Over: Robots and Humans in the Workplace
With his homing signal activated, the android Data takes control of the USS Enterprise and its systems and blocks the human crew from stopping him. For further reading, see the narrative Triton is the world’s most murderous malware, and it’s spreading.
What dangers can AI cause within institutions and systems, if it becomes remotely hijacked? Should AI ever be allowed to develop in such a way that they can block out human autonomy over a certain system?
- 5 min
- Kinolab
- 1990
Data’s father reveals that he would like to give him an “emotions” chip in hopes that it will enhance his experience living among humans and increase his trust in others. However, Data is concerned after seeing how emotions cause his brother to seem more volatile.
- Kinolab
- 1990
Emotion Chip: Bringing Robotic Life Closer to Human Life
Data’s father reveals that he would like to give him an “emotions” chip in hopes that it will enhance his experience living among humans and increase his trust in others. However, Data is concerned after seeing how emotions cause his brother to seem more volatile.
Can we and should we program AI to have emotions? What implications do emotions have for AI rights? If humans count on AI for quick and objective decision making, what impact might AI emotions have on this goal?
- 3 min
- Vimeo: Shalini Kantayya
- 2020
A brief visual example of an application of computer vision for facial recognition, how these algorithms can be trained to recognized faces, and the dangers that come with biased data sets, such as a disproportionate amount of white men.
- Vimeo: Shalini Kantayya
- 2020
Coded Bias: How Ignorance Enters Computer Vision
A brief visual example of an application of computer vision for facial recognition, how these algorithms can be trained to recognized faces, and the dangers that come with biased data sets, such as a disproportionate amount of white men.
When thinking about computer vision in relation to projects such as the Aspire Mirror, what sorts of individual and systemic consequences arise for those who have faces that biased computer vision programs do not easily recognize?
- 4 min
- Kinolab
- 1982
Flynn codes a digital avatar, Clu, in an attempt to hack into the mainframe of ENCOM. However, when Flynn fails to get Clu past the virtual, video-game-like defenses, Clu is captured and violently interrogated by a mysterious figure in the virtual world.
- Kinolab
- 1982
Artificial Intelligence as Servants to Humans
Flynn codes a digital avatar, Clu, in an attempt to hack into the mainframe of ENCOM. However, when Flynn fails to get Clu past the virtual, video-game-like defenses, Clu is captured and violently interrogated by a mysterious figure in the virtual world.
How can we program AI to perform tasks remotely for us? How can AI be used to remotely hack into public or private systems? Does every program designed to complete a task, even programs such as malware, have a life of its own? What are potential consequences to training AI solely to do the bidding of humans?