Film Clip (143)

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  • Year
    • 1916 - 1966
    • 1968 - 2018
    • 2019 - 2069
  • Duration
  • 4 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2001
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Robots and Sex Work

“Gigolo Joe” is an android sex worker in an imagined future in which “Mechas,” or humanoid robots, have risen to prominence after a climate disaster. He performs his duties without hiding the fact that he is an android.

  • Kinolab
  • 2001
  • 12 min
  • Kiniolab
  • 1968
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The Duality of Tools and Runaway Innovation

In the opening of the film, the viewpoint jumps from the earliest hominids learning how to use the first tools to survive and thrive in the prehistoric era to the age of space travel in an imagined version of the year 2001. In both cases, the scientific innovation surrounds a mysterious, unmarked monolith.

  • Kiniolab
  • 1968
  • 3 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2019
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Digital Duplicates and Friendship

Rachel, a fifteen year old fan of the pop star Ashley O, is gifted an Ashley Too doll for her birthday. Ashley Too is a robot who contains a synaptic snapshot of Ashley O, and thus emulates her personality and can carry on a conversation with the owner of the doll.

  • Kinolab
  • 2019
  • 14 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2019
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Celebrity Autonomy, Producer Tyranny, and Holographic Performances

Ashley O is a pop star who lives and works under the tyrannical direction of her aunt and producer, Catherine. After Ashley decides she wants to rebel against her contract, Catherine places her in a coma and scans her brain to help create a digital likeness of Ashley O and produce new music which the 3D holograph can perform, all under Catherine’s control. Meanwhile, siblings Rachel and Jack hack a robot based on a synaptic snapshot of Ashley O, allowing the virtual consciousness of Ashley O to be reborn in the robot and help plot to take down Catherine. Working together, they manage to thwart the grand debut of the edited holographic version of Ashley O.

  • Kinolab
  • 2019
  • 6 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2011
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Digital Analysis of Composition and Spread of Viruses

After a mysterious global outbreak of an unknown virus, several health organizations, including the CDC, get to work figuring out the origins of the virus and how to defeat it. They begin by digitally analysing the genome of one strain of the virus to understand how it infects the human body and how to vaccinate against it. They then use surveillance cameras to track the movements of Beth, one of the first known cases of the virus. At the end of the film, an omniscient point of view reveals how Beth originally got the virus.

  • Kinolab
  • 2011
  • 10 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2011
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Misinformation and Hysteria During Global Emergencies

In this film, the entire globe copes with the outbreak and spread of the mysterious MEV-1 virus. Amidst the chaos, blogger Alan Krumwiede rises to prominence by spouting conspiracy theories such as the tale of how he was “cured” of the virus using the mysterious drug Forsythia. He uses his new platform to challenge the CDC and its policies before ultimately being arrested for spreading misinformation.

  • Kinolab
  • 2011
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