Film Clip (143)
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- 13 min
- Kinolab
- 2018
Cassius “Cash” Green, once a telemarketer, has now moved up into the upper echelons of WorryFree, a dangerous and controversial corporation which is revealed to be undertaking genetic experiments on humans with the goal of creating a more productive labor force. Once Cash exposes this monstrosity to the world, he finds that society has a positive reaction, opposite to what he expected, and thus undertakes a protest against the corporation. Although this hypothetical scenario is highly fantastical, the metaphor is nonetheless apt for describing late-stage capitalism in America.
- Kinolab
- 2018
Building a Better Worker
Cassius “Cash” Green, once a telemarketer, has now moved up into the upper echelons of WorryFree, a dangerous and controversial corporation which is revealed to be undertaking genetic experiments on humans with the goal of creating a more productive labor force. Once Cash exposes this monstrosity to the world, he finds that society has a positive reaction, opposite to what he expected, and thus undertakes a protest against the corporation. Although this hypothetical scenario is highly fantastical, the metaphor is nonetheless apt for describing late-stage capitalism in America.
With advances in computational genomics, how can it be ensured that humans are not used in experiments which fundamentally alter their genomes, especially when it comes to protecting workers already exploited by corporations? How has the increase in automation raised the bar for what a productive workforce looks like? How has the digitization of channels such as news media and the stock market altered the landscape of economic perception and expectations?
- 17 min
- Kinolab
- 2018
Wakanda, a country founded upon a great repository of Vibranium, a natural resource used to develop cutting-edge technology, keeps itself hidden from the rest of the world to maintain its prosperity and avoid becoming a target. After one man betrays Wakanda by revealing its location in hopes that they will spread their prosperity to oppressed black people across the globe, he and his bloodline are punished severely. T’Challa, the new leader of Wakanda and the superhero known as Black Panther, is then faced with solving this dilemma between hiding away the technological prosperity of Wakanda or spreading the digital resources to disadvantaged black communities across the globe.
- Kinolab
- 2018
Spreading Digital Resources and Global Inequality
Wakanda, a country founded upon a great repository of Vibranium, a natural resource used to develop cutting-edge technology, keeps itself hidden from the rest of the world to maintain its prosperity and avoid becoming a target. After one man betrays Wakanda by revealing its location in hopes that they will spread their prosperity to oppressed black people across the globe, he and his bloodline are punished severely. T’Challa, the new leader of Wakanda and the superhero known as Black Panther, is then faced with solving this dilemma between hiding away the technological prosperity of Wakanda or spreading the digital resources to disadvantaged black communities across the globe.
What is the relationship between colonialism and imperialism and current digital divides? What are the vast, far-reaching consequences of a lack of digital connection for disadvantaged communities, especially communities of color? What responsibility to digitally privileged countries have to help those communities or countries that have less access to digital resources? How can the image of the internet as a democratizing force reach reality for all communities across the globe? How often do people consider that there are considerable physical infrastructure and resource needs for digital connection? How should we approach the distribution of technology to oppressed people around the world?
- 10 min
- Kinolab
- 2018
This narrative provides two different case studies of remote-controlled vehicles in the story of T’Challa’s attempts to properly rule his country, Wakanda. T’Challa, also known as the superhero Black Panther, makes use of this technology to put a stop to criminals who threaten his people and his power. In the first clip, T’Challa and his companions track down Ulysses Klaue, a notorious criminal who formerly stole from Wakanda, down the streets of Busan, Korea. In the second clip, agent Everett Ross makes use of the technology to pilot a drone, which he uses to shoot down autonomous drones carrying weapons from Wakanda to the rest of the world.
- Kinolab
- 2018
Remote Controlled Driving of Vehicles
This narrative provides two different case studies of remote-controlled vehicles in the story of T’Challa’s attempts to properly rule his country, Wakanda. T’Challa, also known as the superhero Black Panther, makes use of this technology to put a stop to criminals who threaten his people and his power. In the first clip, T’Challa and his companions track down Ulysses Klaue, a notorious criminal who formerly stole from Wakanda, down the streets of Busan, Korea. In the second clip, agent Everett Ross makes use of the technology to pilot a drone, which he uses to shoot down autonomous drones carrying weapons from Wakanda to the rest of the world.
When operating vehicles remotely, how is it easy for the driver to become desensitized to the surroundings of the vehicle? Might entertainment technology such as violent video games play a role in such desensitization? What phenomena of a street or other driving environment may or may not be abstracted into a digital map of the vehicle’s surroundings?
- 13 min
- Kinolab
- 2001
In an imagined 22nd century in which climate change has wreaked havoc on the Earth, scientists have created “Mechas,” or humanoid robots. A certain group of scientists begins to dedicate themselves to creating a robot who is capable of love and of having dreams. David, one of these new robots, is tested with Monica, a mother whose son is in a coma after contracting a mysterious disease.
- Kinolab
- 2001
Relationships and Love with Robotic Children
In an imagined 22nd century in which climate change has wreaked havoc on the Earth, scientists have created “Mechas,” or humanoid robots. A certain group of scientists begins to dedicate themselves to creating a robot who is capable of love and of having dreams. David, one of these new robots, is tested with Monica, a mother whose son is in a coma after contracting a mysterious disease.
Do humans have the capacity to love robots back as much as a robot may love them? Is the creation of robotic children a valid way to help former or prospective parents through a grieving process? What are the implications of a robot outliving those that they may love? Is the view of robots as “fake” or “disposable” compatible with their capability to love?
- 8 min
- Kinolab
- 2019
Chris, a ride-share driver who took passenger Jaden hostage in order to leverage a conversation with social media CEO Billy Bauer, tells the story of how his distracted driving (through looking at a notification from social media on his smartphone) ultimately killed his wife and other drivers. As the hostage situation comes to an end, the world watches over social networks before looking up from their phones and returning to their lives.
- Kinolab
- 2019
Consistent Digital Distraction
Chris, a ride-share driver who took passenger Jaden hostage in order to leverage a conversation with social media CEO Billy Bauer, tells the story of how his distracted driving (through looking at a notification from social media on his smartphone) ultimately killed his wife and other drivers. As the hostage situation comes to an end, the world watches over social networks before looking up from their phones and returning to their lives.
Does the speed and volume of sensational events which users can access through digital channels ultimately de-sensitize users to the real world? Do social media companies have culpability in ensuring that their products are not over-addictive, or does responsibility ultimately fall solely on users to make the right choices? Are current protections against distracted driving aggressive enough? In a meta-commentary sense, do you believe this narrative adds anything new to the digital addiction/distracted driving conversation, or is it the same warning that has been given over and over again to no avail?
- 6 min
- Kinolab
- 2019
Chris is a driver at an Uber-esque company with a great amount of anxiety and disdain for the widespread addiction to smartphones. He inexplicably waits outside the same building every day to pick up clients. One day, he finally proceeds with a dastardly plan.
- Kinolab
- 2019
Ride-Hailing Hazards
Chris is a driver at an Uber-esque company with a great amount of anxiety and disdain for the widespread addiction to smartphones. He inexplicably waits outside the same building every day to pick up clients. One day, he finally proceeds with a dastardly plan.
How has digital addiction made the expectation for convenience so normalized that people are willing to put themselves into dangerous situations, as the passenger Jaden does here? What kinds of safety features have companies like Uber or Lyft built into their platforms so far, and how could they do even better?