Film Clip (143)

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  • Year
    • 1916 - 1966
    • 1968 - 2018
    • 2019 - 2069
  • Duration
  • 11 min
  • Kinolab
  • 1993
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Interface: The Virtual Extension of the Self

Geordie uses a brain-computer interface, which projects his consciousness into a mobile avatar controlled by his neural impulses, to explore distant ships. This humanoid avatar is able to perform tasks that go beyond human capabilities, such as shooting phaser beams from the hands. However, upon discovering the dead crew of the Raman, it is revealed that the lines separating his virtual reality and true reality are blurred.

  • Kinolab
  • 1993
  • 7 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2013
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Martha and Ash Part I: Digital Revival and Human Likeness in Software

At some point in the near future, Martha’s husband Ash dies in a car accident. In order to help Martha through the grieving process, her friend Sara gives Ash’s data to a company which can create an artificial intelligence program to simulate text and phone conversations between Martha and Ash. Through the chat bot, Ash essentially goes on living, as he is able to respond to Martha and grow as more memories are shared with the program.

  • Kinolab
  • 2013
  • 15 min
  • Kinolab
  • 1997
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Computational Genomics, Unnatural Selection, and Privilege

Vincent, an “invalid” from the proximate future, was born naturally and is therefore seen as less  than humans such as his brother Anton who were conceived in a computational genetic selection process to ensure that the best traits are carried on. Thus, in this eugenic society, biometric technologies such as finger pricks and other scans are used to detect superior and inferior human genomes. Vincent, relinquished to service jobs, steals the identity of a genetically superior man named Eugene to fulfill his goal of going on a space mission, yet is never able to let go of his sibling rivalry. However, Vincent sets himself up to prove that humans edited through this computational genomics project are not automatically superior to those naturally born.

  • Kinolab
  • 1997
  • 9 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2015
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Vulnerability of Workplaces and Economic Markets to Hacking

After a hacker causes massive disruptive events across the globe, from destabilizing a nuclear reactor to changing the value of soy futures in the stock market, Nicolas Hathaway, a formerly convicted hacker, is released from prison to help solve the case. He eventually susses out that the hacker is targeting the internet of things which keeps conditions safe for a tin mine, similar to the internet of things which protected the nuclear reactor. The ultimate goal of the hacker is to use malware to disrupt economic systems, like the price of tin, and become richer.

  • Kinolab
  • 2015
  • 8 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2011
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Digital News Media and the Pressures of Public Demand

In this episode, a princess is kidnapped, and the condition of her release is that the prime minister, Michael Callow, is forced to have sexual intercourse with a pig on live television. While the news media originally wants to keep this incident quiet, digital reporting from other news companies in the US eventually forces the UKN to start a conversation about this event. After an attempt at using deep fake to make the deed appear done, the prime minister is quickly slandered on social media, and public opinion on him and if he should carry out the act shifts rapidly online. With this quick change in mood, the prime minister ultimately fulfills the request in full view of the entire world over the news.

  • Kinolab
  • 2011
  • 13 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2011
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Technological Immersion, Digital Underclasses, and Attention Economies

In this episode, Bing Madsen is one of many citizens who provide power to the digital world through spending each day on a stationery bike, which earns him “merits” to spend on both leisure activities and necessities. These laborers, along with all other classes, are constantly surrounded by screens in which their digital avatars can participate in virtual activities like biking on a road or being in a “live” studio audience. The reality competition show “Hot Shot” is one program streamed on these screens. In this narrative, Bing conspires to grab the attention of the world on stage, proclaiming that the whole digital world is fake and has brainwashed the laborers into providing power while upper classes get more leisure and enjoyment. This eventually lands him with his own talk show, where he recreates his suicide threats for sensational content in exchange for a more lucrative lifestyle.

  • Kinolab
  • 2011
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