News Article (130)
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- 5 min
- The New York Times
- 2019
As the case study of Baltimore demonstrates, cyber crime against governments for ransom of digital cash is not an uncommon practice.
- The New York Times
- 2019
- 5 min
- The New York Times
- 2019
Hackers Holding Baltimore Hostage
As the case study of Baltimore demonstrates, cyber crime against governments for ransom of digital cash is not an uncommon practice.
How can hacking affect whole cities? Should entire cities trust digital systems to contain all of their important information?
- 10 min
- The New Yorker
- 2019
Great breakdown of the concerns that come with automating the world without understanding why it works. Provides the principal concerns with the “hidden layer” of artificial neural networks, and how the lack of human understanding of some AI decision making makes these machines susceptible to manipulation.
- The New Yorker
- 2019
- 10 min
- The New Yorker
- 2019
The Hidden Costs of Automated Thinking
Great breakdown of the concerns that come with automating the world without understanding why it works. Provides the principal concerns with the “hidden layer” of artificial neural networks, and how the lack of human understanding of some AI decision making makes these machines susceptible to manipulation.
Should we still use technology that we do not have a full understanding of? Might machines play a role in the demise of expertise? How can companies and institutions be held accountable for “lifting the curtain” behind their algorithms?
- 5 min
- Wired
- 2019
Because of the jobs offered by the booming tech industry, San Francisco has developed a caste-like hierarchy, in which the small group at the top of tech companies are the richest, while other citizens are left to get poorer as the middle class shrinks.
- Wired
- 2019
- 5 min
- Wired
- 2019
How Silicon Valley fuels an informal caste system
Because of the jobs offered by the booming tech industry, San Francisco has developed a caste-like hierarchy, in which the small group at the top of tech companies are the richest, while other citizens are left to get poorer as the middle class shrinks.
How does the little social mobility within technology “castes” impact the digital tech workforce? To what degree is human agency on both ends limited by the emergence of artifacts such as Taskrabbit or Instacart?
- 4 min
- Wall Street Journal
- 2019
The automatization of technological repair and maintenance through AI allows systems to monitor themselves and correct themselves more quickly than a human worker could.
- Wall Street Journal
- 2019
- 4 min
- Wall Street Journal
- 2019
AI Powers “Self-Healing” Technology
The automatization of technological repair and maintenance through AI allows systems to monitor themselves and correct themselves more quickly than a human worker could.
What are the potential dangers of having “self-healing” computers by taking the human element out? How might using algorithms to analyse networks be better or worse than human oversight? What effect does repair automatisation have on the previous employees?
- 5 min
- Science Daily
- 2019
New Robots could help elderly adults over 85 live independently in smart homes, rather than relying on nursing homes or health assistants for care. While these robots are still in the testing phase, they have so far been rated favorably.
- Science Daily
- 2019
- 5 min
- Science Daily
- 2019
Smart Home Tests First Elder Care Robot
New Robots could help elderly adults over 85 live independently in smart homes, rather than relying on nursing homes or health assistants for care. While these robots are still in the testing phase, they have so far been rated favorably.
What are the dangers of robots doing previously-human jobs, such as care-giving? What is needed to trust robots to take care of loved ones?
- 5 min
- MIT Media Lab
- 2019
Using personal robots to help children learn can be more effective when robots exhibit relational habits, such as mirroring kids’ pitch. Potential positive narrative of children and personal robots/artificial intelligence.
- MIT Media Lab
- 2019
- 5 min
- MIT Media Lab
- 2019
Kids’ relationships and learning with social robots
Using personal robots to help children learn can be more effective when robots exhibit relational habits, such as mirroring kids’ pitch. Potential positive narrative of children and personal robots/artificial intelligence.
Should we create robots that can act as peers to younger children? Are there drawbacks, such as isolation from true human contact, that may arise from building robot peers that so effectively mirror human traits?