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    • 1916 - 1966
    • 1968 - 2018
    • 2019 - 2069
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  • 30 min
  • CNET, New York Times, Gizmodo
  • 2023
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The ChatGPT Congressional Hearing

On May 16, 2023, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman testified in front of Congress on the potential harms of AI and how it ought to be regulated in the future, especially concerning new tools such as ChatGPT and voice imitators.
After watching the CNET video of the top moments from the hearing, read the Gizmodo overview of the hearing and read the associated New York Times article last. All resources highlight the need for governmental intervention to hold companies who generate AI products accountable, especially in the wake of a lack of totally effective congressional action on social media companies. While misinformation and deepfake has been a concern among politicians since the advent of social media, additional new concerns such as a new wave of job loss and crediting artists are raised in the hearing.

  • CNET, New York Times, Gizmodo
  • 2023
  • 6 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2011
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Digital Analysis of Composition and Spread of Viruses

After a mysterious global outbreak of an unknown virus, several health organizations, including the CDC, get to work figuring out the origins of the virus and how to defeat it. They begin by digitally analysing the genome of one strain of the virus to understand how it infects the human body and how to vaccinate against it. They then use surveillance cameras to track the movements of Beth, one of the first known cases of the virus. At the end of the film, an omniscient point of view reveals how Beth originally got the virus.

  • Kinolab
  • 2011
  • 10 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2011
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Misinformation and Hysteria During Global Emergencies

In this film, the entire globe copes with the outbreak and spread of the mysterious MEV-1 virus. Amidst the chaos, blogger Alan Krumwiede rises to prominence by spouting conspiracy theories such as the tale of how he was “cured” of the virus using the mysterious drug Forsythia. He uses his new platform to challenge the CDC and its policies before ultimately being arrested for spreading misinformation.

  • Kinolab
  • 2011
  • 14 min
  • Kinolab
  • 1973
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Technology and Educational Inequalities

On a faraway planet, kidnapped humans under the name of Oms live as an inferior race to the Draggs, giant blue aliens that either keep the Oms as pets or banish them to the wilds to be consumed by extraterrestrial monsters. One of these Oms, Terr, is the pet of Tiwa, and begins to acquire an education through a malfunction of Tiwa’s brain-computer interface, which beams knowledge directly into her head. Terr eventually uses this cutting edge technology to which Oms do not usually have access to spread knowledge to other Oms and begin a revolt.

  • Kinolab
  • 1973
  • 14 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2008
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Networked Laborers and Remote Workforces

After his family home is destroyed and his father is killed, Memo must become a part of the global economy. He is expected to do this at the Sleep Dealer Factory, where citizens of Mexico who are implanted with “nodes” connect to a brain-computer interface which they use to remotely control robots in the United States. This was meant to be a solution to the “migrant problem” to the United States in this imagined future, allowing the United States to contract labor from immigrants without actually having people cross the border. However, the wages payed by the Sleep Dealers for the exhaustive labor are incredibly low, thus most laborers there live in unlivable conditions. The technology is shown to not only be exhausting due to the menial labor, but also dangerous if someone is connected during a short-circuit.

  • Kinolab
  • 2008
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