All Narratives (328)
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- 5 min
- The New York Times
- 2019
In New York City, biometrics were used as a step in the investigation process, and thus combined with human oversight to help identify criminals and victims alike.
- The New York Times
- 2019
- 5 min
- The New York Times
- 2019
How Biometrics Makes You Safer
In New York City, biometrics were used as a step in the investigation process, and thus combined with human oversight to help identify criminals and victims alike.
How does facial recognition technology facilitate challenging investigations? Do you believe police use of facial recognition is as transparent and pure as this article makes it seem? Where could bias enter this system of using facial recognition technology?
- 5 min
- Wired
- 2019
Non-profit companies such as Thorn and the Canadian Centre for Child Protection are using existing software, particularly facial recognition algorithms, to discover ways to become more proactive in fighting child pornography and human trafficking on the dark web.
- Wired
- 2019
- 5 min
- Wired
- 2019
How Facial Recognition is fighting child sex trafficking
Non-profit companies such as Thorn and the Canadian Centre for Child Protection are using existing software, particularly facial recognition algorithms, to discover ways to become more proactive in fighting child pornography and human trafficking on the dark web.
How has technology facilitated underground illegal activities, such as child trafficking? How has technology also facilitated fighting back against them? What is your opinion on the debate on whether or not law enforcement should have extensive access to facial recognition technology or machine learning algorithms?
- 5 min
- Citylab
- 2019
Currently, the idea of “smart cities” are so theoretical and predicated on the idea of “technochauvinism” that they mostly exist in images which sell the ideas of ever-advancing technology and application of futuristic technologies to urban centers as a cash cow waiting to be milked.
- Citylab
- 2019
- 5 min
- Citylab
- 2019
The 3 Pictures That Explain Everything About Smart Cities
Currently, the idea of “smart cities” are so theoretical and predicated on the idea of “technochauvinism” that they mostly exist in images which sell the ideas of ever-advancing technology and application of futuristic technologies to urban centers as a cash cow waiting to be milked.
What is a smart city, at least in theory? What might be left out of the phenomenon (urban life) that smart cities attempt to abstract in the creation of a smart city? What priorities come with envisioning a smart city, and who is or should be in control of this?
- 7 min
- Wall Street Journal
- 2019
Large firms in the United States are becoming far more resilient to cyber attacks, primarily through larger spending and higher prioritization of security. This is especially important as digital hacking escalates conflicts between global nations.
- Wall Street Journal
- 2019
- 7 min
- Wall Street Journal
- 2019
U.S. Companies Learn to Defend Themselves in Cyberspace
Large firms in the United States are becoming far more resilient to cyber attacks, primarily through larger spending and higher prioritization of security. This is especially important as digital hacking escalates conflicts between global nations.
How might small businesses fit into this picture? How could cyber security development be more oriented toward the public good? How can tech corporations help the government in a age which seems to be tending toward digital mutually assured destruction?
- 5 min
- The Atlantic
- 2019
A book proposes we let robots do all of Earth’s physical labor, creating a world where virtually all human needs are met, in this new ideology called Fully Automated Luxury Communism, or FALC. This is modeled after certain fictions such as Star Trek.
- The Atlantic
- 2019
- 5 min
- The Atlantic
- 2019
Give Us Fully Automated Luxury Communism
A book proposes we let robots do all of Earth’s physical labor, creating a world where virtually all human needs are met, in this new ideology called Fully Automated Luxury Communism, or FALC. This is modeled after certain fictions such as Star Trek.
Do you think the FALC ideology is tangibly possible? Which potential problems do you see in its implementation? If robots become advanced enough to become what are essentially human actors, can they be expected to complete all of the world’s labor without compensation?
- 5 min
- The Atlantic
- 2019
U.S. Customs and Border Protection announces that hackers have stolen license-plate images and traveler’s ID photos from a subcontractor, which provides deeper insight to the dangers of big data held by government.
- The Atlantic
- 2019
- 5 min
- The Atlantic
- 2019
This is Exactly What Privacy Experts Said Would Happen
U.S. Customs and Border Protection announces that hackers have stolen license-plate images and traveler’s ID photos from a subcontractor, which provides deeper insight to the dangers of big data held by government.
Should we hold the government accountable for leaks in data protection? How should the affected individuals be compensated? Does the possibility of catching those accused of a certain crime or overstaying a visa justify the breach of privacy and surveillance of unsuspecting and unsuspicious people?