Bioinformatics (86)
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- 14 min
- Kinolab
- 2014
Will Caster and his wife Evelyn work together on a project known as “Transcendence,” in which he hopes to help artificial intelligence attain singularity by figuring out how to pair sentience with its massive intelligence. After he is shot dead by an anti-technology terrorist group, his consciousness is uploaded virtually, allowing him to continue his life as a coded program. After this digitally immortal consciousness is paired with the internet, Will’s powers grow immensely, and his manipulative reach becomes global.
- Kinolab
- 2014
Will, Evelyn, and Max Part I: Digital Resurrection and Incorporation
Will Caster and his wife Evelyn work together on a project known as “Transcendence,” in which he hopes to help artificial intelligence attain singularity by figuring out how to pair sentience with its massive intelligence. After he is shot dead by an anti-technology terrorist group, his consciousness is uploaded virtually, allowing him to continue his life as a coded program. After this digitally immortal consciousness is paired with the internet, Will’s powers grow immensely, and his manipulative reach becomes global.
Are digitally uploaded consciousnesses technically the real person, or just an imitation? Should digital immortality be allowed if it means digital humans may have far more power than living humans? If people become able to upload consciousnesses, how should they be kept from abusing vast networks? If or when technology reaches the singularity point, how should this be regulated, and how can it be ensured that such powerful technology is not abused for hegemonic purposes?
- 14 min
- Kinolab
- 2019
In an imagined future of London, citizens all across the globe are connected to the Feed, a device and network accessed constantly through a brain-computer interface. Tom is a member of the Hatfield family, the owner of the tech monopoly which created this technology. The Feed allows people to alter their perception of reality, whether this means changing the appearance of people and places or playing music over any environmental noise.
- Kinolab
- 2019
Omnipresent Technology and Altering Reality
In an imagined future of London, citizens all across the globe are connected to the Feed, a device and network accessed constantly through a brain-computer interface. Tom is a member of the Hatfield family, the owner of the tech monopoly which created this technology. The Feed allows people to alter their perception of reality, whether this means changing the appearance of people and places or playing music over any environmental noise.
What are potential consequences of getting large numbers of people addicted to brain-computer interface technologies that can easily be hacked? How does this deprive people of autonomy? How can digital addiction de-sensitize people to the “real world”? How could augmented reality fundamentally change industries such as interior design, event planning, and even travel? How can virtual reality tech be used to bring us closer, and connect people together? What will virtual meetings look like in the future, with the potential for holograms and a complete immersive experience?
- 3 min
- Kinolab
- 2017
Eleanor Shellstrop, a deceased selfish woman, ended up in the utopic afterlife The Good Place by mistake after her death. She spins an elaborate web of lies to ensure that she is not sent to be tortured in The Bad Place. In this narrative, she tracks her personal ethical point total with a technology which is compared to a Fitbit. In theory, the more good actions she completes, the higher her score will get. For another narrative on personal ratings/point tracking, see the narratives “Lacie Parts I and II” on the Black Mirror episode “Nosedive.”
- Kinolab
- 2017
Personal Statistics Tracking
Eleanor Shellstrop, a deceased selfish woman, ended up in the utopic afterlife The Good Place by mistake after her death. She spins an elaborate web of lies to ensure that she is not sent to be tortured in The Bad Place. In this narrative, she tracks her personal ethical point total with a technology which is compared to a Fitbit. In theory, the more good actions she completes, the higher her score will get. For another narrative on personal ratings/point tracking, see the narratives “Lacie Parts I and II” on the Black Mirror episode “Nosedive.”
Do corrupt motivations spoil moral deeds? Should digital technologies be used to track personal data that is more abstract that health statistics or number of steps taken? What would be the consequences if such ratings were public?
- 7 min
- Kinolab
- 2002
In the year 2054, the PreCrime police program is about to go national. At PreCrime, three clairvoyant humans known as “PreCogs” are able to forecast future murders by streaming audiovisual data which provides the surrounding details of the crime, including the names of the victims and perpetrators. Joe Anderson, the former head of the PreCrime policing program, is named as a future perpetrator and must flee from his former employer. Due to the widespread nature of retinal scanning biometric technology, he is found quickly, and thus must undergo an eye transplant. While recovering in a run-down apartment, the PreCrime officers deploy spider-shaped drones to scan the retinas of everyone in the building.
- Kinolab
- 2002
Retinal Scans and Immediate Identification
In the year 2054, the PreCrime police program is about to go national. At PreCrime, three clairvoyant humans known as “PreCogs” are able to forecast future murders by streaming audiovisual data which provides the surrounding details of the crime, including the names of the victims and perpetrators. Joe Anderson, the former head of the PreCrime policing program, is named as a future perpetrator and must flee from his former employer. Due to the widespread nature of retinal scanning biometric technology, he is found quickly, and thus must undergo an eye transplant. While recovering in a run-down apartment, the PreCrime officers deploy spider-shaped drones to scan the retinas of everyone in the building.
Is it possible that people would consent to having their retinas scanned in general public places if it meant a more personalized experience of that space? Should government be able to deceive people into giving up their private data, as social media companies already do? How can people protect themselves from retinal scanning and other biometric identification technologies on small and large scales?
- 13 min
- Kinolab
- 2002
In the year 2054, the PreCrime police program is about to go national. At PreCrime, three clairvoyant humans known as “PreCogs” are able to forecast future murders by streaming audiovisual data which provides the surrounding details of the crime, including the names of the victims and perpetrators. Although there are no cameras, the implication is that anyone can be under constant surveillance by this program. Once the “algorithm” has gleaned enough data about the future crime, officers move out to stop the murder before it happens.
- Kinolab
- 2002
Preventative Policing and Surveillance Information
In the year 2054, the PreCrime police program is about to go national. At PreCrime, three clairvoyant humans known as “PreCogs” are able to forecast future murders by streaming audiovisual data which provides the surrounding details of the crime, including the names of the victims and perpetrators. Although there are no cameras, the implication is that anyone can be under constant surveillance by this program. Once the “algorithm” has gleaned enough data about the future crime, officers move out to stop the murder before it happens.
How will predicted crime be prosecuted? Should predicted crime be prosecuted? How could technologies such as the ones shown here be affected for the worse by human bias? How would these devices make racist policing practices even worse? Would certain communities be targeted? Is there ever any justification for constant civil surveillance?
- 4 min
- Kinolab
- 1982
While attempting to track down humanoid robots, or “replicants”, that he must kill, Officer Rick Deckard goes to Chinatown to analyze his singular piece of evidence; a snake scale. The scale is revealed to be from an android snake crafted within Chinatown.
- Kinolab
- 1982
Robotic Animals
While attempting to track down humanoid robots, or “replicants”, that he must kill, Officer Rick Deckard goes to Chinatown to analyze his singular piece of evidence; a snake scale. The scale is revealed to be from an android snake crafted within Chinatown.
Should android animals ever become too indistinguishable from their real counterparts? How might this be used for negative ends? How will engineered human and animal parts be distinguished from natural ones?