Bioinformatics (86)
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- 15 min
- Kinolab
- 2017
Detective Shazia Akhand is assigned to investigate the case of a man who was hit by a pizza truck in the street to help him build a case. She uses a brain-computer interface to read the memories of both the man hit by the truck and other witnesses, where the vague, abstract images are projected onto a screen. One of these witnesses includes Mia, a serial killer whose former crimes are revealed during her interview. In order to erase any footage or evidence of her murders, Mia continues her killing spree by wiping out Shazia and her family. However, Mia is eventually caught through the memories of an unlikely source.
- Kinolab
- 2017
Digital Memory Projection and Walking Surveillance Cameras
Detective Shazia Akhand is assigned to investigate the case of a man who was hit by a pizza truck in the street to help him build a case. She uses a brain-computer interface to read the memories of both the man hit by the truck and other witnesses, where the vague, abstract images are projected onto a screen. One of these witnesses includes Mia, a serial killer whose former crimes are revealed during her interview. In order to erase any footage or evidence of her murders, Mia continues her killing spree by wiping out Shazia and her family. However, Mia is eventually caught through the memories of an unlikely source.
Should police or detectives be able to view memories for interrogation reasons? Where should the line be drawn in these cases? What are the issues with tasking precise digital technologies with extracting and showing abstract memories? How could this technology be manipulated to make subjective memories seem objective? How might this sort of technology makes witnesses to crimes more targeted? How is this concept similar and different to the idea that anyone could accidentally or intentionally be capturing anything on a phone camera? Should technology be created that essentially allows anyone to be a walking surveillance camera?
- University of Houston
- 2015
The article explains what a BCI is, how it helps amputees, and how BCI technology continues to innovate.
- University of Houston
- 2015
Researchers Build Brain-Machine Interface To Control Prosthetic Hand
The article explains what a BCI is, how it helps amputees, and how BCI technology continues to innovate.
As BCI technologies continue to develop, what are ways that they could harm or benefit users or other stakeholders? Why do you think this study used the test subjects it did? What are the potential short and long term benefits and/or harms of using this particular group of subjects?