Immersive Technology (58)
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- 3 min
- MacRumors
- 2021
Facebook’s collaboration with Ray-Ban on a new technology of “smart glasses” comes with a host of questions on whether or not capabilities such as facial recognition should be built into the technology.
- MacRumors
- 2021
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- 3 min
- MacRumors
- 2021
Facebook Weighing Up Legality of Facial Recognition in Upcoming Smart Glasses
Facebook’s collaboration with Ray-Ban on a new technology of “smart glasses” comes with a host of questions on whether or not capabilities such as facial recognition should be built into the technology.
Discussion Prompts:
What are the “so clear” benefits and risks of having facial recognition algorithms implanted into smart glasses, in your view? What are the problems with “transparent technology” such as smart glasses, where other citizens may not even know that they are being surveilled?
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