Smartphones (15)
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- 7 min
- Wired
- 2019
Tracking technology used by parents to check on their children raises concerns regarding privacy and independence. Data on location and driving metrics also prove valuable for companies and advertisers.
- Wired
- 2019
- 7 min
- Wired
- 2019
On TikTok, Teens Meme the Safety App Ruining Their Summer
Tracking technology used by parents to check on their children raises concerns regarding privacy and independence. Data on location and driving metrics also prove valuable for companies and advertisers.
What are the limits of technology used for parental control? How much agency are children and teens entitled to in terms of parent surveillance?
- 5 min
- Wired
- 2019
Because of the jobs offered by the booming tech industry, San Francisco has developed a caste-like hierarchy, in which the small group at the top of tech companies are the richest, while other citizens are left to get poorer as the middle class shrinks.
- Wired
- 2019
- 5 min
- Wired
- 2019
How Silicon Valley fuels an informal caste system
Because of the jobs offered by the booming tech industry, San Francisco has developed a caste-like hierarchy, in which the small group at the top of tech companies are the richest, while other citizens are left to get poorer as the middle class shrinks.
How does the little social mobility within technology “castes” impact the digital tech workforce? To what degree is human agency on both ends limited by the emergence of artifacts such as Taskrabbit or Instacart?
- 15 min
- n/a
- 2017
An exploration of Venmo transactions for five different randomly selected users. On Venmo, all transactions are public by default, and users can take certain steps to make this information private.
- n/a
- 2017
- 15 min
- n/a
- 2017
Public by Default: The Tales of Venmo
An exploration of Venmo transactions for five different randomly selected users. On Venmo, all transactions are public by default, and users can take certain steps to make this information private.
If you have Venmo, do you have in on private or public mode? Have you ever thought about what having your transactions publicised could lead to? Who could use information like what you are hungry for or your relationships to other people, and how?
- 10 min
- Field of Vision
- 2017
Video criticising the AT&T and NSA partnership, which allowed the NSA to spy on the UN, the World Bank, etc, by installing its surveillance equipment in AT&T hubs.
- Field of Vision
- 2017
- 10 min
- Field of Vision
- 2017
Project X: Field of Vision
Video criticising the AT&T and NSA partnership, which allowed the NSA to spy on the UN, the World Bank, etc, by installing its surveillance equipment in AT&T hubs.
How do you know that your conversations are not being spied on at the moment? Would you like to have more reassurance?
- 7 min
- Vice
- 2019
Snapchat stores some user data for legitimate purposes but is vague about doing so, and abuses (such as spying) of this data have occurred within the company.
- Vice
- 2019
- 7 min
- Vice
- 2019
Snapchat Employees Abused Data Access to Spy on Users
Snapchat stores some user data for legitimate purposes but is vague about doing so, and abuses (such as spying) of this data have occurred within the company.
How does this story contrast the view of Snapchat as a platform where all posts are ephemeral?
- 2 min
- Kinolab
- 2014
Nathan, the creator of the advanced humanoid robot Ava, explains to his employee Caleb that big data collected through smartphone cameras and microphones aided his attempts to make Ava’s features more human.
- Kinolab
- 2014
Big Data and its Reflection of Humanity
Nathan, the creator of the advanced humanoid robot Ava, explains to his employee Caleb that big data collected through smartphone cameras and microphones aided his attempts to make Ava’s features more human.
How can our digital consumer and search data be mined by tech companies for research? Does such a wide data net capture everything necessary about humanity? How does Google search mirror the human seeking of knowledge in digital form?