Smartphones (15)
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- 3 min
- TechCrunch
- 2021
This article presents several case studies of technologies introduced at CES which are specifically designed to help elderly people continue to live independently, mostly using smartphones and internets of things to monitor both the home environment and the physical health of the occupant.
- TechCrunch
- 2021
- 3 min
- TechCrunch
- 2021
Startups at CES showed how tech can help elderly people and their caregivers
This article presents several case studies of technologies introduced at CES which are specifically designed to help elderly people continue to live independently, mostly using smartphones and internets of things to monitor both the home environment and the physical health of the occupant.
What implications do these technologies have for the agency of the senior citizens which they are meant to monitor? Does close surveillance truly equate to increased independence? Are there any other downsides or tradeoffs to these technologies?
- 10 min
- The Atlantic
- 2014
When the Apple Health app first released, it lacked one crucial component: the ability to track menstrual cycles. This exclusion of women from accessible design of technology is not the exception but rather the rule. This results from problems inherent to the gender imbalance in technology workplaces, especially at the level of design. Communities such as the Quantified Self offer spaces to help combat this exclusive culture.
- The Atlantic
- 2014
- 10 min
- The Atlantic
- 2014
How Self-Tracking Apps Exclude Women
When the Apple Health app first released, it lacked one crucial component: the ability to track menstrual cycles. This exclusion of women from accessible design of technology is not the exception but rather the rule. This results from problems inherent to the gender imbalance in technology workplaces, especially at the level of design. Communities such as the Quantified Self offer spaces to help combat this exclusive culture.
In what ways are women being left behind by personal data tracking apps, and how can this be fixed? How can design strategies and institutions in technology development be inherently sexist? What will it take to ensure glaring omissions such as this one do not occur in other future products? How can apps that track and promote certain behaviors avoid being patronizing or patriarchal?
- 7 min
- Wall Street Journal
- 2021
Google’s new Pixel 6 smartphone claims to have “the world’s most inclusive camera” based on its purported ability to more accurately reflect darker skin tones in photographs, a form of digital justice notably absent from previous iterations of computational photography across the phones of various tech monopolies.
- Wall Street Journal
- 2021
- 7 min
- Wall Street Journal
- 2021
Google Built the Pixel 6 Camera to Better Portray People With Darker Skin Tones. Does It?
Google’s new Pixel 6 smartphone claims to have “the world’s most inclusive camera” based on its purported ability to more accurately reflect darker skin tones in photographs, a form of digital justice notably absent from previous iterations of computational photography across the phones of various tech monopolies.
How can “arms races” between different tech monopolies potentially lead to positive innovations, especially those that center equity? Why did it take so long to have a more inclusive camera? How can a camera be exclusive?