Technologies (319)

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  • AI
  • Big Data
  • Bioinformatics
  • Blockchain
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  • Year
    • 1916 - 1966
    • 1968 - 2018
    • 2019 - 2069
  • Duration
  • 9 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2013
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Dangers of Digital Commodification

In the world of this film, Robin Wright plays a fictional version of herself who has allowed herself to be digitized by the film company Miramount Studios in order to be entered into many films without having to actually act in them, becoming digitally immortal in a sense. Once she enters a hallucinogenic mixed reality known as Abrahama City, she agrees to renew the contract with Miramount studios under the panic of her declining mental health and sense of autonomy. This renewed contract will not only allow movies starring her digital likeness to be made, but will also allow people to appear as her.

  • Kinolab
  • 2013
  • 16 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2003
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Technological Regulation of the Environment and Division

In a distant future, the majority of humanity has been wiped out, and most of the planet is flooded. ECOBAN is a city which runs on technological power, avoiding destruction and pollution by using a machine which converts pollutants into power. However, Marrians, who live on the exterior of the city in the destroyed world, are responsible for performing the labor to harvest these pollutants, without any of the benefits. Essentially, Ecoban keeps its technology to itself, not sharing it with the “contaminated” underclasses. Shua, a renegade Marrian hacker, attempts to shut down the DELOS system, the technology which powers Ecoban and has destroyed the surrounding environment entirely. He ultimately succeeds in his mission, breaking the DELOS system which gave Ecobans a privileged life and at last bringing back blue skies.

  • Kinolab
  • 2003
  • 7 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2013
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Digital Performers and the Gift of Choice

In this film, actress Robin Wright plays a fictionalized version of herself as an actress whose popularity is declining. Her agent Al exposes her to deep fake technology which creates a virtual version of an actor to play a role in any number of scenarios or films. These “actors” are 3D holographs with AI that have been trained to replicate the real person which they imitate. However, Robin is disconcerted with the lack of agency that she would have in deciding how her image and identity appeared in these movies.

  • Kinolab
  • 2013
  • 12 min
  • Kinolab
  • 1965
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Supercomputer Rule and Condensing Human Behavior

The city of Alphaville is under the complete rule of Alpha-60, an omnipresent robot whose knowledge is more vast than that of any human. This robot, whose learning and knowledge model is deemed “too complex for human understanding,” cements its rule through effectively outlawing emotion in Alphaville, with all definitions of consciousness centering on rationality. All words expressing curiosity or emotion are erased from human access, with asking “why” being replaced with saying “because.” Lemmy is a detective who has entered Alphaville from an external land to destroy Alpha-60. However, in their conversation, Alpha-60 is immediately able to suss out the suspicious aspects of Lemmy’s visit and character.

  • Kinolab
  • 1965
  • 5 min
  • Kinolab
  • 1993
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Systems Errors in Entertainment Areas

Jurassic Park is an under-review theme park where innovator John Hammond has managed to use computational genomics to revive the dinosaurs. The park is managed by a complex security system, involving an internet of things which connects security cameras, other monitors, and defense systems to the computers in the control room. Computer programmer Dennis Nedry, under command of a briber, uses malware to hack the computer systems and steal dinosaur DNA, turning the park into a very hostile environment for the scientists once the safety mechanisms fail.

  • Kinolab
  • 1993
  • 15 min
  • Kinolab
  • 1993
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Technological Revival of the Past

Dinosaurs are an extinct species that are revived and brought into the modern day in Jurassic Park. This is accomplished through a cloning process involving extracting dinosaur DNA from mosquitos preserved in amber, and using computational genomics to create replicants with certain properties, such as breeding only female dinosaurs. Three scientists are sent to audit the park, and all three find problems inherent with the use of technology in attempts to control life itself. Eventually, the park’s founder, John Hammond, admits that his idea to create entertainment out of this dangerous technological revival was a failure, which is seen in action during the subsequent dinosaur attack.

  • Kinolab
  • 1993
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