Technologies (319)
Find narratives by ethical themes or by technologies.
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- 3 min
- Kinolab
- 2019
In an imagined future of London, citizens all across the globe are connected to the Feed, a device and network accessed constantly through a brain-computer interface. Tom, the son of the Feed’s creator Lawrence, realizes that his best friend Max is a robot of sorts, posing as a human. In reality, the body in the tub is a host which contains the digital consciousness of Max, formerly uploaded to a cloud through his feed and then downloaded into this new body. The new version of Max debates with Tom about why he should be considered a true human being.
- Kinolab
- 2019
Digital Cloning
In an imagined future of London, citizens all across the globe are connected to the Feed, a device and network accessed constantly through a brain-computer interface. Tom, the son of the Feed’s creator Lawrence, realizes that his best friend Max is a robot of sorts, posing as a human. In reality, the body in the tub is a host which contains the digital consciousness of Max, formerly uploaded to a cloud through his feed and then downloaded into this new body. The new version of Max debates with Tom about why he should be considered a true human being.
If having brain-computer interfaces collect millions of data points from each person, including memories, means that the life of each person can be extended if they die prematurely, is this worth the cost? Is this a true “life”? Whose viewpoint do you agree with more in this narrative?
- 1 min
- Kinolab
- 2019
In an imagined future of London, citizens all across the globe are connected to the Feed, a device and network accessed constantly through a brain-computer interface. Eric is able to use Biometrics to keep Evelyn and Max hostage and get high-level access to the Feed hub. This highlights an example of how computerized security systems might not be able to pick up on hostage situations or forced activity. The Biometrics can recognize their faces, but is unable to pick up on the ‘distress’ visible on Max and Evelyn’s faces that indicate they are in trouble.
- Kinolab
- 2019
Limitations of Biometrics
In an imagined future of London, citizens all across the globe are connected to the Feed, a device and network accessed constantly through a brain-computer interface. Eric is able to use Biometrics to keep Evelyn and Max hostage and get high-level access to the Feed hub. This highlights an example of how computerized security systems might not be able to pick up on hostage situations or forced activity. The Biometrics can recognize their faces, but is unable to pick up on the ‘distress’ visible on Max and Evelyn’s faces that indicate they are in trouble.
Should biometrics be totally trusted with security measures? What sorts of shortfalls of this approach are demonstrated in this narrative?
- 4 min
- Kinolab
- 2020
In this imagined future, citizens interact with the world and with each other through brain-computer interface devices which augment reality in ways such as sending each other visual messages or changing one’s appearance at a moment’s notice. Additionally, with this device, everyone can automatically see a “ranking” of other people, in which Alphas or As are the best and Epsilons or Es are the worst. With all of these features of the devices, privacy in its many forms is all but outlawed in this society.
- Kinolab
- 2020
Augmented Communication and a Post-Privacy Era
In this imagined future, citizens interact with the world and with each other through brain-computer interface devices which augment reality in ways such as sending each other visual messages or changing one’s appearance at a moment’s notice. Additionally, with this device, everyone can automatically see a “ranking” of other people, in which Alphas or As are the best and Epsilons or Es are the worst. With all of these features of the devices, privacy in its many forms is all but outlawed in this society.
How can brain-computer interfaces work together with virtual reality to enable us to share images, styles, and other information to our friends more seamlessly? What if humans could also implement VR into our communications? Would that improve interactions? How could deception sneak into this system? How do social media quantifications, such as a number of likes or followers, act as a sort of preliminary “ranking” for a person, and how does this affect people’s opportunities? Have social media and other digital media platforms conditioned society to see a lack of privacy as the norm, and conversely privacy as a sort of vice? How should we continue to value privacy in the age of social media monopolies?
- 5 min
- Kinolab
- 2019
In an imagined future of London, citizens all across the globe are connected to the Feed, a device and network accessed constantly through a brain-computer interface. Lawrence, the CEO of the tech monopoly which created the Feed, explains to his son Tom that the newest model of the Feed is a quasi-organic implant which automatically appears in the makeup of an infant’s brain; they are born with it, having no say in whether or not it should be there and being unable to remove it. Lawrence and Tom then debate the pros and cons of this approach.
- Kinolab
- 2019
Genetic Implants and Choice
In an imagined future of London, citizens all across the globe are connected to the Feed, a device and network accessed constantly through a brain-computer interface. Lawrence, the CEO of the tech monopoly which created the Feed, explains to his son Tom that the newest model of the Feed is a quasi-organic implant which automatically appears in the makeup of an infant’s brain; they are born with it, having no say in whether or not it should be there and being unable to remove it. Lawrence and Tom then debate the pros and cons of this approach.
Which side presented here do you tend to agree with more? Does Lawrence have a point in stating that the opportunity for anyone to innately have this implant might solve problems such as inequity and chaos? Does Tom have a point in stating that agency and autonomy of all people are at risk in this new imagination of society? Does one of these viewpoints outweigh the other? Should tech monopolies be able to determine what “societal progress” means, even if they have the means to achieve their specific vision? Can tech monopolies alone be trusted to make progress in trying to make the world a more equitable place?
- 2 min
- Kinolab
- 2019
In an imagined future of London, citizens all across the globe are connected to the Feed, a device and network accessed constantly through a brain-computer interface. In this narrative, Max, a citizen whose Feed was hacked, has to get the device removed from his body as his best friends watch. This procedure includes the removal of some of his memories from both his brain and from the device, although they manage to upload these into a cloud.
- Kinolab
- 2019
Implanted Technology and Disconnection
In an imagined future of London, citizens all across the globe are connected to the Feed, a device and network accessed constantly through a brain-computer interface. In this narrative, Max, a citizen whose Feed was hacked, has to get the device removed from his body as his best friends watch. This procedure includes the removal of some of his memories from both his brain and from the device, although they manage to upload these into a cloud.
What are the risks involved with brain-computer interfaces, especially when we need to ‘remove’ them from our brains? How might this increase medical costs? How can memory and consciousness be ‘backed up’ and ‘uploaded’ back into our bodies using advanced technology?
- 5 min
- Kinolab
- 2019
In an imagined future of London, citizens all across the globe are connected to the Feed, a device and network accessed constantly through a brain-computer interface. In this narrative, Ben, a member of the family who owns the company which created the Feed, uses the augmented reality features to create a virtual version of his ex-wife, Miyu, who he can make indulge in his own fantasies, regardless of what those may be. Eventually, this digital version of Miyu starts to glitch, but Ben nonetheless begins to share this virtual, subservient clone to other people to use in their own fantasies.
- Kinolab
- 2019
VR Intimacy and Objectification
In an imagined future of London, citizens all across the globe are connected to the Feed, a device and network accessed constantly through a brain-computer interface. In this narrative, Ben, a member of the family who owns the company which created the Feed, uses the augmented reality features to create a virtual version of his ex-wife, Miyu, who he can make indulge in his own fantasies, regardless of what those may be. Eventually, this digital version of Miyu starts to glitch, but Ben nonetheless begins to share this virtual, subservient clone to other people to use in their own fantasies.
How are women deprived of autonomy when men are able to control virtual versions of women in their own digital fantasies? How exactly would the consequences of this infect the real world? Is it ethical to use someone’s image and likeness for private purposes without their consent? How can we ‘copyright’ our own image?