Real-world alienation through gaming, mobile devices and virtual reality.
Digital Addiction (26)
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- 5 min
- Time
- 2021
In 2021, former Facebook employee and whistleblower Frances Haugen testified to the fact that Facebook knew how its products harmed teenagers in terms of body image and social comparison; yet because of their interest in their profit model, they do not significantly attempt to ameliorate these harms. This article provides four key lessons to learn from how Facebook’s model is harmful.
- Time
- 2021
- 5 min
- Time
- 2021
4 Big Takeaways From the Facebook Whistleblower Congressional Hearing
In 2021, former Facebook employee and whistleblower Frances Haugen testified to the fact that Facebook knew how its products harmed teenagers in terms of body image and social comparison; yet because of their interest in their profit model, they do not significantly attempt to ameliorate these harms. This article provides four key lessons to learn from how Facebook’s model is harmful.
How does social quantification result in negative self-conception? How are the environments of social media platforms more harmful in terms of body image or “role models” than in-person environments? What are the dangers of every person having easy access to a broad platform of communication in terms of forming models of perfection? Why do social media algorithms want to feed users increasingly extreme content?
- 3 min
- Kinolab
- 2014
Donald and Helen, a married couple, are both dissatisfied with their marriage, particularly in their sexual relationship, and so unwilling to communicate with each other that they both want to cheat on each other. The technology in this clip are the websites on which they both succumb to the temptation of an affair.
- Kinolab
- 2014
Infidelity and Social Networks
Donald and Helen, a married couple, are both dissatisfied with their marriage, particularly in their sexual relationship, and so unwilling to communicate with each other that they both want to cheat on each other. The technology in this clip are the websites on which they both succumb to the temptation of an affair.
Are websites like the ones shown in this narrative a justifiable affordance of social networks and digital technologies? Does the facility of making connections with other people make infidelity overall easier to accomplish? Does having these more private, secluded channels make communication between dissatisfied partners harder? In thinking particularly about the “Escort Edition” website, what is problematic about its quantification of women and “shopping” user interface?
- 2 min
- Kinolab
- 2014
Allison’s unhealthy eating habits are reinforced with comments she receives online to the point where she refuses to eat with her family and follows online advice on how to resist hunger. The technology in this clip is the online forum which has the goal of perpetuating and starting unhealthy eating habits.
- Kinolab
- 2014
Social Networks and Societal Norms
Allison’s unhealthy eating habits are reinforced with comments she receives online to the point where she refuses to eat with her family and follows online advice on how to resist hunger. The technology in this clip is the online forum which has the goal of perpetuating and starting unhealthy eating habits.
How do social networks, and certain enclaves within these networks such as a blog site, set the societal norms in the digital age? How do these platforms perpetuate illusions of how people should look and act? Did social media create these problems, or simply exacerbate them?