Real-world alienation through gaming, mobile devices and virtual reality.
Digital Addiction (26)
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- 17 min
- Kinolab
- 2018
Wade Watts lives in an imagined future in which the OASIS, a limitless virtual reality world, acts as a constant distraction from the real world for the majority of citizens. Anything constructed in the virtual world, from possessions to relationships, is valued and taken as real by users. When a large corporation headed by Nolan Sorrento attempts to gain sole ownership of the virtual reality network, Wade’s avatar Parzival inspires a revolution among the citizens in the digital world, ultimately winning for himself and his friends the ownership of, and the power to regulate, the OASIS.
- Kinolab
- 2018
Digital Escapism and Online Connections
Wade Watts lives in an imagined future in which the OASIS, a limitless virtual reality world, acts as a constant distraction from the real world for the majority of citizens. Anything constructed in the virtual world, from possessions to relationships, is valued and taken as real by users. When a large corporation headed by Nolan Sorrento attempts to gain sole ownership of the virtual reality network, Wade’s avatar Parzival inspires a revolution among the citizens in the digital world, ultimately winning for himself and his friends the ownership of, and the power to regulate, the OASIS.
What are the pros and cons of developing exciting, immersive communities in virtual reality platforms? Do social networks change the nature of human interaction for better, for worse, or both at once? Can any one social network outpace reality as a means of connection? What is the risk of one corporate entity having centralized control over large social digital spaces? What is “the real world” if VR is convincing enough? Should the digital be heavily regulated if it serves as a legitimate coping mechanism for some?
- American Psychological Association
- 2020
- American Psychological Association
- 2020