The human consciousness leaving our bodily form in order to move beyond the human lifespan.
Digital Immortality (14)
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- 5 min
- Wired
- 2020
As means of preserving deceased loved ones digitally become more and more likely, it is critical to consider the implications of technologies which aim to replicate and capture the personality and traits of those who have passed. Not only might this change the natural process of grieving and healing, it may also have alarming consequences for the agency of the dead. For the corresponding Black Mirror episode discussed in the article, see the narratives “Martha and Ash Parts I and II.”
- Wired
- 2020
- 5 min
- Wired
- 2020
The Ethics of Rebooting the Dead
As means of preserving deceased loved ones digitally become more and more likely, it is critical to consider the implications of technologies which aim to replicate and capture the personality and traits of those who have passed. Not only might this change the natural process of grieving and healing, it may also have alarming consequences for the agency of the dead. For the corresponding Black Mirror episode discussed in the article, see the narratives “Martha and Ash Parts I and II.”
Should anyone be allowed to use digital resurrection technologies if they feel it may better help them cope? With all the data points that exist for internet users in this day and age, is it easier to create versions of deceased people which are uncannily similar to their real identities? What would be missing from this abstraction? How is a person’s identity kept uniform or recognizable if they are digitally resurrected?
- 3 min
- 2021
The prominence of social data on any given person afforded by digital artifacts, such as social media posts and text messages, can be used to train a new algorithm patented by Microsoft to create a chatbot meant to imitate that specific person. This technology has not been released, however, due to its harrowing ethical implications of impersonation and dissonance. For the Black Mirror episode referenced in the article, see the narratives “Martha and Ash Parts I and II.”
- 2021
- 3 min
- 2021
Microsoft patented a chatbot that would let you talk to dead people. It was too disturbing for production
The prominence of social data on any given person afforded by digital artifacts, such as social media posts and text messages, can be used to train a new algorithm patented by Microsoft to create a chatbot meant to imitate that specific person. This technology has not been released, however, due to its harrowing ethical implications of impersonation and dissonance. For the Black Mirror episode referenced in the article, see the narratives “Martha and Ash Parts I and II.”
How do humans control their identity when it can be replicated through machine learning? What sorts of quirks and mannerisms are unique to humans and cannot be replicated by an algorithm?