The world becoming more interconnected due to both physical and digital ease of travel and communication.
Global Impact of Technology (13)
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- 7 min
- Venture Beat
- 2021
As machine learning algorithms become more deeply embedded in all levels of society, including governments, it is critical for developers and users alike to consider how these algorithms may shift or concentrate power, specifically as it relates to biased data. Historical and anthropological lenses are helpful in dissecting AI in terms of how they model the world, and what perspectives might be missing from their construction and operation.
- Venture Beat
- 2021
- 7 min
- Venture Beat
- 2021
Center for Applied Data Ethics suggests treating AI like a bureaucracy
As machine learning algorithms become more deeply embedded in all levels of society, including governments, it is critical for developers and users alike to consider how these algorithms may shift or concentrate power, specifically as it relates to biased data. Historical and anthropological lenses are helpful in dissecting AI in terms of how they model the world, and what perspectives might be missing from their construction and operation.
Whose job is it to ameliorate the “privilege hazard”, and how should this be done? How should large data sets be analyzed to avoid bias and ensure fairness? How can large data aggregators such as Google be held accountable to new standards of scrutinizing data and introducing humanities perspectives in applications?