Promotion of Human Values (142)
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- 7 min
- Chronicle
- 2021
The history of AI contains a pendulum which swings back and forth between two approaches to artificial intelligence; symbolic AI, which tries to replicate human reasoning, and neural networks/deep learning, which try to replicate the human brain.
- Chronicle
- 2021
- 7 min
- Chronicle
- 2021
Artificial Intelligence Is a House Divided
The history of AI contains a pendulum which swings back and forth between two approaches to artificial intelligence; symbolic AI, which tries to replicate human reasoning, and neural networks/deep learning, which try to replicate the human brain.
Which approach to AI (symbolic or neural networks) do you believe leads to greater transparency? Which approach to AI do you believe might be more effective in accomplishing a certain goal? Does one approach make you feel more comfortable than the other? How could these two approaches be synthesized, if at all?
- 7 min
- MIT Technology Review
- 2020
This article details a new approach emerging in AI science; instead of using 16 bits to represent pieces of data which train an algorithm, a logarithmic scale can be used to reduce this number to four, which is more efficient in terms of time and energy. This may allow machine learning algorithms to be trained on smartphones, enhancing user privacy. Otherwise, this may not change much in the AI landscape, especially in terms of helping machine learning reach new horizons.
- MIT Technology Review
- 2020
- 7 min
- MIT Technology Review
- 2020
Tiny four-bit computers are now all you need to train AI
This article details a new approach emerging in AI science; instead of using 16 bits to represent pieces of data which train an algorithm, a logarithmic scale can be used to reduce this number to four, which is more efficient in terms of time and energy. This may allow machine learning algorithms to be trained on smartphones, enhancing user privacy. Otherwise, this may not change much in the AI landscape, especially in terms of helping machine learning reach new horizons.
Does more efficiency mean more data would be wanted or needed? Would that be a good thing, a bad thing, or potentially both?
- 6 min
- Vox
- 2020
Even virtual realities with unrealistic yet believable graphics are able to fool the brain’s sense of perception into believing that the digital environment still operates under the same rules as the real world. Connecting the technologies directly to one’s senses is more immersive than looking at a screen; although human brains have been able to process flat images for a long time, the direct sight connection to two screens with virtual reality makes perception a bit more muddled.
- Vox
- 2020
How Virtual Reality Tricks Your Brain
Even virtual realities with unrealistic yet believable graphics are able to fool the brain’s sense of perception into believing that the digital environment still operates under the same rules as the real world. Connecting the technologies directly to one’s senses is more immersive than looking at a screen; although human brains have been able to process flat images for a long time, the direct sight connection to two screens with virtual reality makes perception a bit more muddled.
Should virtual reality ever reach a point where it is indistinguishable from true reality in terms of graphic design or other sensory information? How could such technology be weaponized or abused? How accessible should the most immersive virtual reality technologies be to the general public?
- 6 min
- 2020
Jamila Gordon, an AI activist and the CEO and founder of Lumachain, tells her story as a refugee from Ethiopia to illuminate the great strokes of luck that eventually brought her to her important position in the global tech industry. This makes the strong case for introducing AI into the workplace, as approaches using computer vision can lead to greater safety and machine learning can be applied to help those who may speak a language not dominant in that workplace or culture train and acclimate more effectively.
- 2020
How AI can help shatter barriers to equality
Jamila Gordon, an AI activist and the CEO and founder of Lumachain, tells her story as a refugee from Ethiopia to illuminate the great strokes of luck that eventually brought her to her important position in the global tech industry. This makes the strong case for introducing AI into the workplace, as approaches using computer vision can lead to greater safety and machine learning can be applied to help those who may speak a language not dominant in that workplace or culture train and acclimate more effectively.
Would constant computer vision surveillance of a workplace be ultimately positive or negative or both? How could it be ensured that machine learning algorithms were only used for positive forces in a workplace? What responsibility to large companies have to help those in less privileged countries access digital fluency?
- 7 min
- VentureBeat
- 2021
New research and code was released in early 2021 to demonstrate that the training data for Natural Language Processing algorithms is not as robust as it could be. The project, Robustness Gym, allows researchers and computer scientists to approach training data with more scrutiny, organizing this data and testing the results of preliminary runs through the algorithm to see what can be improved upon and how.
- VentureBeat
- 2021
- 7 min
- VentureBeat
- 2021
Salesforce researchers release framework to test NLP model robustness
New research and code was released in early 2021 to demonstrate that the training data for Natural Language Processing algorithms is not as robust as it could be. The project, Robustness Gym, allows researchers and computer scientists to approach training data with more scrutiny, organizing this data and testing the results of preliminary runs through the algorithm to see what can be improved upon and how.
What does “robustness” in a natural language processing algorithm mean to you? Should machines always be taught to automatically associate certain words or terms? What are the consequences of large corporations not using the most robust training data for their NLP algorithms?
- 3 min
- TechCrunch
- 2021
This article presents several case studies of technologies introduced at CES which are specifically designed to help elderly people continue to live independently, mostly using smartphones and internets of things to monitor both the home environment and the physical health of the occupant.
- TechCrunch
- 2021
- 3 min
- TechCrunch
- 2021
Startups at CES showed how tech can help elderly people and their caregivers
This article presents several case studies of technologies introduced at CES which are specifically designed to help elderly people continue to live independently, mostly using smartphones and internets of things to monitor both the home environment and the physical health of the occupant.
What implications do these technologies have for the agency of the senior citizens which they are meant to monitor? Does close surveillance truly equate to increased independence? Are there any other downsides or tradeoffs to these technologies?